Tim's got it right: They should just rerun every episode of 120 Minutes from beginning to end. That would be cool.
I keep meaning to catch this Subterranean show on MTV2. It looks decent, but for some reason I always forget about it. Oh yeah—because it's on right in the goddamn middle of The Alternative (Sundays at Midnight).
I need a DVR.
Yeah, last night after sarah went to bed, I was watching the show and was thinking the same thing. I watched some of Subterranean, and yeah there was some good stuff on there. But honestly, some of this marginally good "new rock" is best in small doses, minus having to actually look at the pretentious looking fuckers in the videos. Just how long is the "NYC sound" gonna last, 'cos it's pretty dull overall.
I'm mostly interested to see it because I haven't seen new videos I'm at all interested in since...well, probably since 120 Minutes.
Anyway, the best thing about all of these shows are the conversations they start. You know what I'm sayin'.
I like The Alternative. But the irony isn't lost on me that it's all stuff that I used to listen to, oh, 10 or more years ago. But some of the videos are videos I never really saw at the time. Like, who knew there was a video for Black Flag's TV Party Tonight? WHO KNEW????
But yeah, it isn't so much to just sit and watch. I usually put it on when I'm reading, and glance up occasionally. the lineup of songs is definitely better on broadcast freaking radio -- if you like nostalgia.
Subterranean sounds interesting, though I'm wondering how much "new rock" I'll like. I haven't been too lucky thus far.
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