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Click through the flying Snoopy to see some fascinating shots I took while cleaning my room yesterday.
where did you get such cool stuffed animals? do you take him down at the end of the day & give him a hug & say "good flight, buddy"? what cute pictures that would produce!
i'm so bored.
Ya know, I can't remember where I got him. I was either given him by a girl friend or he came with some detergent or something weird.
Bored? I feel you. (You're bumpy.)
Hey, how did you take that picture of the bus from Chicago? That was pretty neat. I understand, however, if you don't want to dispense secrets of the trade.
No problem. The bus was actually a tin toy bus in this display at the museum. It was kind of like a Rube Goldberg contraption with these metal balls racing around a track and through different machines.
Anyway, the bus was in motion along this track and I just followed it with my camera as I took the photo to capture the image of the bus against a blurred background. It's called panning. As you can see, it's not perfect (the bus is pretty blurry), but I couldn't try again because it was pretty crowded and annoying.
It's a fun technique to play with. You just need to be sure your shutter speed isn't set too high or you'll have trouble getting the background blurred.
Take a look at this (or any good photography book) to read more about capturing motion.
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