Firstly, I'd like to just reiterate that three-day weekends are the fucking best thing ever. It is my firm belief that all weekends should be three days long. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it. I mean, you need one day to recover from the work week, one full day of having fun (going out, doing stuff, being active), and another day to get stuff done around the house and ease back into the idea of returning to work. Is that so unreasonable? Plus you get the likeable cousin of the three-day weekend, the four-day work week, built right into the deal. Nothing wrong with that. So will you sign my petition?
Now for a recap (short form):
Had a late dinner with Tim and Sarah on Friday. Tried to go to Anita's but they closed early for some lame reason. Ended up at Amphora and had a decent meal and some great conversation about technology, cloning, and death row organ donors. Got home and Bittorrent-ed episodes of Robot Chicken.
Saturday—lovely and relaxing. Took an enlightened bike ride to beautiful downtown Arlington. Visited Ms. Shannon at Olsson's, looked for Seattle books and smoked cigs. Unfrozen caveman pizza for dinner. Should be noted here that CPK thin crust (tomato, basil, moz and olive oil) is actually quite good. Saturday nite hazy. Made a CD for Sunday's roadtrip. Wally given catnip—myself, the human equivalent.
Pinnacle of weekend: Sunday, not usually my fun day. Went to Baltimore with Shannon as planned. Amazing weather. Hit “The Avenue” in Hampden...Atomic Books, True Vine, and that cafe across from Atomic. Really good limeade there. Bought some weird books and the latest issue of the Big Takeover. Big Spender card filled but not redeemed. Stopped by Druid Park for possible photo ops. Null. Continued on to Fells Point. Walked the docks, took some shots, and talked a lot. Stopped by Sound Garden and picked up a stack, put half back. And if yer keeping track:
Stereolab: Oscillons From the Anti-Sun box
Wire: Pink Flag (re-issue)
Mirah: C'mon Miracle
Owen: s/t
Home Movies Season 1
Returned to the South. Ate many sushi. Watched R Chicken and screened Tarnation.
Monday: Personal maintenance. Shave and haircut. Cleaned house. [Bedroom still in ruins.] Attended a Czech bbq with Tim, Sarah, various adults, in a swank house near Tenley Town. Delicious kebabs. Surprisingly fun and much better than stewing in my own juices. Four words: the illustrious Julia Ames.
So there that is. Good folks, good food, great fun. What a doozy. And then it was last night, and I introduced a hater (aka Shannon) to Salvadorean/doran food with takeout from Abi's. Bean and cheese pupusas rule, my friend. And their plantanos fritos are badass. Needless to say, she was converted.
So the Spoon/Clientele show is sold out. What the fuck ever. No one sells out the only Friday show in ages that I actually care about attending and gets away with it. I'll get in, all right.