
Dark Green of My Soul

1. Never be disappointed: expect nothing.

I've been cleaning my room. It's all dust and pennies and unmarked CD-Rs. It feels good to do something productive on otherwise lazy weekend. I didn't get out on Friday, due to the bad weather and my usual end-of-the-week collapse. Saturday's highlight was a good Thai meal with Jonathan and his friend Brent. I've decided that Pad Pik King is a simple yet delicious dish. I wish I had leftovers.

I worked a little on these button designs I've been thinking about for a while. Allison has a button maker thing and will hopefully hook me up after I've printed them. I'll post those when I feel like it. In other semi-creative news, I did some precursory recording of this song I've been fucking around with lately. It's not really a song yet, just a couple different bass parts and basic drums. I really like the bassline I came up with, so hopefully I can take it somewhere.

2. Movies are photographs, twenty-four times a second.

I watched the Criterion Collection edition of Slacker today, a most fitting title for my weekend. Despite being nearly fifteen years-old, I think it's aged pretty well. Speaking of Linklater, I'm really looking forward to A Scanner Darkly this summer. [Trailer here.] I've been reading the novel recently, on loan from Tim.

3. Music is for chumps.

Last night I discovered this little section of reviews on Tiny Mix Tapes where they recommend older records and review them. I love that. You're bound to find out about something cool that you missed the first time or rediscover something you already have but haven't listened to in a while. Give 'er a try.

I found the latest Four Tet album, Everything Ecstatic, on SoulSeek last night (also thanks to TMT). I haven't listened enough to get a good impression, but it sounds at least decent so far. Looks like legal copies will be out May 23rd on Domino.

Coming this week on my little ol' site: recently acquired records I've been enjoying, site updates to the oft-neglected photos and music sections, and The End of Days.

PS: Fuck daylight savings.


Anonymous said...

You've got one thing wrong, buddy: the time change is awesome. It kicks buttocks that its 7:15 and still light out. Aren't you looking forward to some evening bike rides? I'm gonna get new brakes pretty soon...

Jeff said...

I did notice the difference when I got off work this evening. I'll give you that. I was mostly just pissed because I had no idea it was that time again.

Fuck a bike. :)