
Red Rover

There's a great little bio summary here (with a timeline) of Karl Rove and his political games, up-to-and-including the Valerie Plame stuff. Best of all, this page is the first thing that comes up when you Google “turd blossom.”

I do hope you know about this already, but the short of it is: Karl Rove (aka “Bush's Brain” and, yes, “turd blossom”) Bush's top advisor dude and all-out eggheaded nerdboy revenge-fantasy, leaked the identity of an undercover CIA agent named Valerie Plame to reporters. Plame just happens to be married to Joe Wilson, a former US ambassador sent to Niger in 2002 by the CIA to investigate the possibility of Iraq buying uranium (for nuclear weapons) from them. Wilson found no such evidence and reported this back to home base. The Bush administration ignored his findings and used the lie (that is, that Iraq did buy uranium from Niger) as one major reason to invade Iraq. Wilson spoke out about his findings when he heard this, which in turn prompted Rove to speak out (albeit very super secret backgroundishly) about Wilson's wife's indentity as pay back. Oh, and it's important to note that knowingly outing an undercover agent is a felony. Although he didn't point to Plame by name (haha), the Bush twins could have figured out who was talking about. So here you have Rove enacting revenge on a WMDs naysayer and trying to discredit a credible source by bringing his undercover CIA wife (who actually specializes in finding WMDs, btw) into the story.

Why is Rove not saying anything? Why hasn't he been made to sit his fat ass down in front of Congress and the television camera and explain what the fuck he was thinking? What can't these people get away with?