
For Against

Nebraska?! Holy crap, this is good.

The perfect marriage between Joy Division, Comsat Angels, Cocteau Twins, Cure, The Sound and especially Porcupine Echo & The Bunnymen.

- Jack Rabid, The Big Takeover

What's Next, Ketamine For the Sniffles?

An interesting Washington Post article I missed while on vacation:
'Ecstasy' Use Studied to Ease Fear in Terminally Ill

Not a registered Post reader? Try BugMeNot, loser.

Xmas Reviewed

My holiday weekend was approximately 90% good. I visited with family, hung out with friends from out of town, saw my 79-year-old grandmother for the first time in a few years, received a few neat presents, ate several great meals, and caught up on some much-needed sleep.

The 10% bad was picking up my father at 4PM on Christmas Day to find that he was completely sloshed. He must have been drinking all day. Fortunately, he could walk OK and everything, but he was slurring and repeating himself so much on the drive down, that I wanted to smack him. Getting a little drunk with your family at Christmas dinner is one thing, but showing up already fucking wasted in broad daylight? Fucking pathetic.

I felt better once I got to my brother's. At least I could commiserate and joke with my sister-in-law and brother over my father's condition. For example, there was his apparent inability to control the amplitude and pitch of his voice. He was feigning excitement for my nieces by neighing like a horse. Needless to say, there was lots of eye-rolling and head-shaking between the three of us that night.

Aside from that nonsense, it was overall a very enjoyable time and much better than I expected (and not nearly as lonely as I had feared).

Here are the highlights:

+ Thursday: Off of werk early. Hung out at Twice As Much (my housemate's DJ nite w/Mojogogo and Sally-Go-Round) at Saint-Ex with Jennifer, housemate JP's sister in town from Seattle.

+ Christmas Eve: Had a very good lunch with Leigh, Leslie, and Dan at Harmony Cafe in G-town. Wrapped presents. The evening was spent lounging with Wally and watching videos.

+ Christmas: Presents, of course, both given and received. The softest fleece pajama pants, Metroid Prime 2, a 512MB CF card for my digicam, and an Ikea gift card were the top gifts this year. Dinner, prepared by my brother the chef, was...how-you-say...off the fucking hook.

+ Sunday: Visited my grandmother and much of my mother's side of my extended family in suburban/almost-rural Maryland. Mom-mom was giving things away all day (decorations trinkets, mostly) and I was practically forced to take something directly off her wall. I really didn't want to but was told it would make her happy. She doesn't think she'll live much longer and would rather give this stuff away than have us “pick her bones” once she's gone. Well.

+ Monday: Went to Ikea with the always enchanting Leslie, where I promptly spent the gift card I'd received just two days previous. Bought a CD shelf to help alleviate the ever-growing piles that plague my bedroom floor. Kitchen stuffs, a new bowl for Wally, and some other crap were also purchased.

+ Tuesday: Played video games in my new soft pants (note: games were not actually played inside my pants), assembled CD shelf/reorganized CDs, had dinner with Tim, Hal, and Butch at Luna Grill.

What will New Year's Eve bring? Nobody knows. There have been talks of a small gathering at the house, but nothing really seems to be coming together on that front. Ideas???