
From Seattle

Just a quick update here, since I'm currently at this coffee house on a free 20 minutes of Internet.

Seattle is amazing. It's all hills, trees and water. I never knew, but it actually rivals SF in steep inclines and houses built on crazy angles. Huh. It rained for the first time today. Otherwise, the weather has been gorgeous everyday since I got here on Saturday. Sunny, low 70s. Fucking beautiful. And here's a factoid for all you Seattle naysayers: it actually rains less here than in New York. That is, Seattle gets fewer inches of rain per year. What makes it seem worse is that it rains more frequently here, especially in the winter. So, yeah. It's not as bad as you think, sucker.

I've been doing lots of fun shit, trying to balance touristy stuff (Space Needle, Pike Place, etc.) with less typical things. Jennifer and Kevin (my roommate's sister and her bf) took Jason and I out for a great night of seeing some really oddball/out-of-the-way stuff (the Museum of Mysteries, for example), so I got to see a few things I probably never would have otherwise. I saw Apostle of Hustle last night at Chop Suey and they were surprisingly really fucking good. I have their record and am pretty ambivalent about it, but man—the keyboardist was doing this crazy flamenco dancing on this platform and their drummer was brilliant. And there was hardly anyone there, but the club was cool. The openers were some local band called Slender Means who reminded me at times of the Pernice Brothers. They were actually really tight and made for another great surprise.

Speaking of music, Seattle has a plethora of awesome record stores. Sonic Boom, Easy Street (amazing, just went there today and had to force myself not to spend too much money), and Wall of Sound, just to name a few.

I've been taking a ton of photos, editing as I go to save room. I'll definitely have plenty to flickr when I get home.

Well, that's all I have time for. I'll post a full review when I get back to the east coast. Ugh—the east coast.

Say hi to Wally for me, Tim.