
De-bearded, Re-bearded

You know, when I decided to go beard-less a few weeks ago it was for a few different reasons. 1: I was bored with my facial hair after almost a year of wearing it. 2: I was tired of maintaining it and keeping it groomed. 3: I thought it might make me appear less threatening. Ok, so mostly it was reasons 1 and 2, but 3 seemed like it would be an extra bonus. No dice.

This is evidenced by what happens during my nightly trips home from work on the Metro. Picture it: I'm sitting alone, quietly reading the paper. There is perfectly good empty seat next to mine. For some reason, all other seats are filled before the seat next to mine. In fact, some people would apparently rather stand than sit next to me. This doesn't happen every single day, but it happens often enough to make think...
That does it—I'm growing that shit back, you assholes. And guess what else? From now on I'll also be burping and farting, talking to myself insessantly, scratching my balls, and playing noisey games on my cell phone all while smacking my lips as I chew a fat wad of gum. How ya like me now, muthafuckas?!
But seriously, a beard out of spite? Not exactly. I just kinda miss it. While public opinion on the issue is a mixed bag, I know how I feel and it just ain't right. Let the growing begin!

Uhh...on the up-side, unexpected visitors can be fun. Brook Lynn called me early in the evening yesterday to ask how I felt about her coming up. She had to get out of town. I told her I was up for it, so she quickly packed some shit and hightailed it up here to arrive at around 10:30 or so. She's leaving tonight after dinner since she has to work tomorrow, but it's certainly been nice to catch up with her. She's moving to Alaska next year!

Oh and—have you heard? People are still fighting the fight...
Voters to challenge US election (Guardian)
Kerry's "Early Concession Betrayed the Trust of the Voters" (Democracy Now!)

Also: I'm debating whether to see Blonde Redhead on Friday. Help me decide!


Rachel said...

I don't understand...you WANT people to sit next to you on mass transit?

Jeff said...

Haha. No, not necessarily. I just have a fragile ego, I guess. Just kinda makes me wonder, am I the last guy you'd want to sit next to? I never thought I was that guy. Me, paranoid? Unpossible!

More importantly: Atomic has a blog?! Neat.