
Misogynist, Misanthrope, Whatever

Colombia reveals plot to assassinate Bush (Guardian, UK)

why not try again, guys? you can crash at my place. seriously—i live like less than 10 miles from dude's house. bring some coke, k? thanx!

ok, how about our friends to the north? apparently, bush is afraid of being booed by the canadian parliament. booing is good...but how aboot some killing? just one time. come on. let's let dickhead be pres and make this administration show its true colors.

while on the subject of hatred, i ask: what inside me, when i pass an attractive female on the street or notice a cute girl in a bar, causes me to immediately think yeah, whatever. fuck you?

is it some sort of preemptive sour grapes? a self-defeating defense mechanism? am i really so maladjusted that i'll opt to appease my fears of rejection with unspoken insults and curses? whatever it is, it's laughable and pathetic. what i stand to gain from this behavior, i have no fucking idea.

you know those bitter, lonely old men you see eating alone and grumbling to themselves as they walk down the street? that's what i'm turning into.

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