
The Soft News

Wanted: Just About Everything [Wired] - a look at the film 24 Hours On Craigslist, a documentary now showing at the San Francisco Independent Film Festival which “chronicles the outcome of more than 80 Craigslist postings from a single day.”

Google Maps [via BoingBoing, + many sites] - another new "beta" service from Google. Guess what it does.

Lifehacker is a new(ish) addition to the Gawker blog/media empire (which also includes big name blogs like Wonkette). They offer daily tips and how-to's on anything from importing album art into iTunes to the different ways to tie a shoe.

Do-It-Yourself Smart Radio Station [via Lifehacker] - here's a good one I found through Lifehacker. This guy details a fairly intricate system of Smart Playlists he has set up in iTunes and on his iPod in order to serve up a rotation of new and old songs, in effect creating something like a personalized portable radio station.

**I've decided to keep away from the political and real-world news, at least for a while. It makes me ANGRY.

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