

I've recently been considering getting an iPod. I'm not really too big on MP3s (I'll certainly never stop buying real records), but in light of the possibility of traveling a lot this year and considering my daily commute to and from work, it doesn't seem entirely impractical.

I was reading reviews last night of the fourth generation 20GB model, as well as its competitors. What? The iPod has competition? Yes, it does. The iRiver H320, for example, has a bunch more features (including photo support with a full color display, support for Ogg Vorbis, longer battery life, built-in FM tuner, and audio line-in for live recording) at about the same cost of the latest 20GB iPod.

Still, the iPod has yet to be matched, let alone outdone, in terms of its design. The minimal looks, the clickwheel navigation, the intangible “cool” factor, and its seamless integration with iTunes, all make for a pretty package.

I do have several preemptive gripes, though. For one, iPods (and especially 4th generation 20GB models) seem to lack some pretty essential accessories. No cradle/docking station? No remote? No case? These are things which, if you're shelling out $300, should be included in the standard package. The skins (protective silicon coverings) sell for about $30. The dock sells for about $40, as does the remote/earphones package. And thanks to Apple's fascist pricing policies, deals are rare or nonexistent. As you can see, it starts to add up:

iPod 4G 20GB: $300
Dock: $40
Remote: $40
Skin: $30
Total: $410

Another, less important problem: they do not offer a choice colors for the full-size iPods. White only? I don't buy anything white if I can help it. White gets dirty. White is boring. Where's the black, the silver, or the periwinkle iPod? U2 Edition? Fuck that. Now, if they made a Negativland iPod, that would be cool.

I'll probably buy one, though, like a good consumer. I'll also have to buy a skin and replace those white earbuds with something less conspicuous (and more comfortable). I do hope that you current iPod owners realize that the earbuds sold with iPods are the equivalent of having a “please rob me” sign taped to your back. Luckily, I have good pair of portable headphones already.


LadyLitBlitzin said...

Hey there,

You know, I was coveting the U2 edition. Not because of U2 but because it was black! Hahaha. I agree with you about white. Not my favorite color for anything as it does get dirty. Also, I have read that some rebellious sorts are definitely getting different earbuds than the white ones.

I don't have an iPod yet, its' on my list of things I uh, again, covet, first being a brand-new computer otherwise my iPod is useless. My OS is so old that it's practically useless for many programs (including iTunes) and I have like, a 2 GB hard drive on this thing. (Gasp!)

Good luck with your audio player search!

Jen said...

Have you looked at Creative Media's mp3 player? My girlfriend has one. It looks a lot like the iPod (it is sometimes mistaken for one) and comes with a much-bigger hard drive than the iPod (40 gig). You can also buy the car stereo plug-in accessary, although it's kind of a piece of crap. I think her player was $300, although this is her third one in a year (one malfunctioned within three months of her purchase and the other she fried inadvertinently during an electrical storm). However, it holds every single CD in our house (close to 500) with room for more. I don't understand why Apple products are so expensive--they're like Jordache jeans or something.

Jeff said...

Yeah, the black U2 iPod looks pretty cool, but it's also more expensive and has their dumb autographs on the back. I think I'll settle for a regular iPod and get a black "skin" for it. A new PC would be nice, too, but I'm still making due with my PIII 600 which I've upgraded (maxed-out RAM, extra HD, etc). I also want a new bass. So many things to buy!

Jen: I did check out at least one model of the Creative MP3 players. They look ok, but I'm a little wary of that company's products after owning a few of their soundcards. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

LadyLitBlitzin said...

yeah, their dumb autographs... that pissed me off. :) I don't see how that would be a product that sells so well other than the fact that it's black and groovy looking, but oh well.

Anonymous said...

hey jeff,
according to pollstar, slint is playing the 9:30 club on 3/22.

yeah it sucks that ipods only come in white and u2 black. unless you want the ipod mini which comes in many colors...but that's not enough gigs.


Jeff said...

Thanks for the tip, man. I'll probably go to both shows! : )