
Back to Bidness

Though I'll spare you the details, let's just say that one sick day became three, which ultimately became a five-day weekend. So here I am, back at werk and heading into a full werk week. Hooray.

I really didn't do much, other than the usual relaxing at home (music, reading, video games). I did however have a surprisingly good time at the 611 Florida show on Saturday. I was surprised because I normally don't have much fun when I go to a show alone. Jonathan decided not to go, so not only would I have to go alone, but also ride the Metro (whose Greenbelt-bound L'Enfant platform I would soon find out smells much like a Porta-Potty), which is something I hate doing when not absolutely necessary. Then, I heard that a friend I was sure would be there wasn't coming. Damn. It looked as if I might be standing around by myself.

Well, I was taking some pics of Derek——practicing my low-light, flash-less photo skills——when, lo and behold, I spotted John H and Marc (of the Plums). Excellent. A few minutes later, I heard a familiar voice coming from the hallway. It was Les (no less)! She was with her friend Theresa(?). I don't know Theresa(?) but she was apparently friends with my ex-girlfriend, Sara, who used to live in DC but who currently resides in Seattle. Weird. I wouldn't have known had she not asked me out of the blue, "Do you know Sara C____?" Small world. Anyway, things were looking up.

The show itself was pretty good, though I didn't stay for the headlining act, Birchville Cat Motel. I went in support of Derek's band, the Mikroknytes, who were great. Donna Summer and Howard Stelzer were both a bit underwhelming, though. Donna did feedback stuff with two delay pedals for her set, and Howard was manipulating a bunch of tape decks. Both performances are interesting in theory but came off a little tedious, I thought. I don't know, I guess noise just isn't my thing. It was cool, though. And I found it pretty funny that people were smoking pot all out in the open. House shows are interesting like that.

As I mentioned, I did take some photos. I've posted some of them to my flickr account, in fact. You may notice that I've added a flickr “badge” to the sidebar on the photos page. I figure I'll make greater use of that site by actually posting to it——specifically, by posting photos that might not be too great technically but that I feel are worth sharing anyway. Check it out and let me know if you're on flickr too so we can link up.

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