
iPod Pt. 2

Well folks, I took the plunge (i.e. bit the bullet, joined the club, and cooked my own goose—all at the same time). On Saturday, despite possibilities of either getting one used or discounted by up to 20%, I decided to jump the gun and just buy one. And so I did...

I chose to go to Best Buy because I also needed to get a USB 2.0 card for my PC and didn't feel like driving out to Microcenter. I ended up getting the 20GB model I was considering last week. They had this opened/returned unit for $50 less than normal price, but when I looked it over and saw a few minor scratches on the screen and someone else's greasy fingerprints all over it, I opted to forgo my last chance to save a few bucks and ended up paying full price to get one brand-new. Yes, I can consume with the best of them.

It's been awesome, so far. I had a few issues installing the USB card (it kept conflicting with my video card, causing my PC to lock up whenever I plugged into the USB), but since I got that sorted out, it's been smooth sailing to MP3sville. The rest of my weekend was all about ripping CDs. It's tedious stuff for sure, but I'm about halfway through my first round of essentials (currently up to about 4GB). I imagine there will be at least another pass or two through my collection after I realize everything I loaded on is crap and I have nothing to listen to.

Several of the reservations I had about the accessories have been confirmed. The stock earbuds aren't doing it for me; they're uncomfortable and don't sound too great either. I've ordered these Sony MDR-EX71SL buds recommended to me by John, the reviews for which have been mostly favorable. I'm also ordering a black iSkin, since I'm already tired of handling this thing like it's a newborn strapped to twenty sticks of dynamite. As for the other stuff, the dock now seems rather unnecessary, and I'll have to wait and see how I do without a remote before looking into those. I already have an aux input on my car stereo, so I'm finally able to make use of that with the help of a simple 1/8" cable I had laying around.

I've checked out iPodLounge.com, Anapod Explorer (fully integrates the iPod with Windows Explorer and allows for direct transfer of MP3s outside of iTunes), and read about hacking the iPod firmware to add custom graphics. [Yeah, not so fast there buddy.]

So, what's next? How else can I insulate myself from this daily life I find littered with so many toolbags, rednecks, mouth-breathers, conservatives, and outright dandy fops?

How about a pair of iBalls? Why yes, thank you.


LadyLitBlitzin said...

A newborn strapped to twenty sticks of dynamite. Hee hee.

I'm jealous. Enjoy!

Jen said...

A dandy fop? Hmm, I guess the slang is different down there in Virginia.

Jeff said...

Don't be jealous, LLB. My eschewing of fiscal responsibility is not something to covet! ;)

Jeff said...

Jen: What can I say? I'm on the cutting edge of outdated slang.


LadyLitBlitzin said...

I learned today that "peeps" is outdated. Dammit, I love to say "peeps." "Hey peeps!" "Where are my peeps?" "Let me talk to my peeps about that."

Don't worry, I eschew fiscal responsibility every damn day of my life. I don't know how it happens, but even when I'm trying to be "good" I still never seem to have discretionary income. (Hmm, might have something to do with my blasted credit card debt.) But anyway, the nickel-and-diming-myself-to-death thing means it takes me forever to save for something like a new laptop or a groovy iPod. Ah well...