
Bush Inauguration BS

Asked how much the federal government was paying for inauguration security, [Tom] Ridge said: "It's in the millions, and I don't know how many millions. . . . We haven't calculated it yet." [Wash Post]

Hey, Tom—maybe you should figure that out. We have this budget deficit of $412.5 billion, not to mention the good ol' $7.6 trillion national debt. Remember?

While it's only a drop in the bucket when you consider the big numbers, the estimated $40 million that will be spent for next week's inauguration—which, by the way, doesn't include Tom's unknown millions for security or the private donations from, say, big corporations—is almost double that of Clinton's second-term inauguration, which occured during peace time and with a deficit roughly 1/4 of today's.

It's no wonder they're trying to get DC (who voted for Kerry, incidentally) to shell out $11 mil to help pay for the rent-a-cops. I hope it comes through, too. I mean, there are so many damn terrorists around these days I practically step on them on my way to work everyday.

Does anyone else see the hypocrisy in all this? Is it not the Democrats who always get ripped on for being the “big spenders” in our government? Crock of shit.

The good news: because of all the bullshit closing of streets and whatnot next Thursday and since I work downtown, I get to stay home!

Further reading:

Inauguration Shutdown Of Downtown Extensive

U.S. Tells D.C. to Pay Inaugural Expenses
D.C. Getting Burned for Bush's Party
[Washington Post]

Unprecedented Security Preparations For Bush Inauguration [Democracy Now!]


Jen said...

Yeah, some rightie poster on the BaltoSun boards was saying that DC just pulled a number out of a hat and that their corrupt politicans were just trying to milk the government out of millions of dollars. Of course, this yokel will be the first to complain about how DC shortchanged its security detail when the emperor gets pelted in the face by an egg (hopefully mine). Thank God these posters don't have to identify themselves. Lord knows I would have laughed in his face if he had the courage to actually say it in public.

I also read that entertainers and other parade participants have been instructed not to look at the emperor directly when they pass him. What in the fucking world have we come to?

Jeff said...

HAHA. Who does Bush think he is, Tori Amos???

Are you coming down to protest?

Jen said...

At least one would want to look at Tori Amos.

I might go, or I might visit my Mom instead. The whole election has made me rather apathetic politically.

Jeff said...

Me, too. Before the election, when there still seemed to be hope, I was glued to the news; now, I try to spare myself the emotional anguish of reading about the Bush administration's BS. *cough*assassination fantasies*cough*