
I've Never Relied On the Kindness of Strangers

As much as I bitch and complain about how terrible things can be and how shitty people are sometimes, I have to admit that I've been pleasantly surprised lately by more than a few random folks from the most peculiar of places. In starting this site recently and working the new blog, I've received a great amount of help from absolute strangers on the net. These faceless beings, who should by rights have no interest in helping me, have been utterly indespensable in the creation of this virtual manifestation of selfishness and ego. Kinda ironic, isn't it: the selfless aiding and abetting the hopelessly self-absorbed. Thanks—don't mind if I do!

So anywayz, the potluck at werk today was a success. My coconut rice went quite well with the Indonesian chicken, which played nicely with the asian coleslaw. The kicker was of course dessert: a homemade chocolate mousse pie with enough calories to power a wood-burning stove in the dead of winter for several days and nights. Mmm.

I worked a little bit on the looks of the site this evening. I can't seem to stop screwing around with the layout and the colors here. I've added a bit of brown (can you even tell?) to my limited palette of desaturated blues. Oh, and that logo up there—it's gotta go. I'm working on something, believe me. I'm too neurotic for consistency.

Neuroticism aside, I think I've been futzing around so much with the petty details because it's an easy way of putting off doing the music section, or not adding any other visit-worthy content for that matter. But I'll do that shit. I will. I'd like to get it posted in time for my 2004 top ten, at least.

In the near future, expect a wee bit of interactivity here, as well as some hand-picked linkage, some more photos, that damn music section, and lots and lots of nudity.

Good night, champ.

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