
Ever read Catch-22?

Well, we're fucking living it my friends:

“Eight soldiers stationed in Iraq and Kuwait are filing a lawsuit against the Army's stop-loss policy while 12 former soldiers forced out of the military are filing a lawsuit against the Pentagon's ‘don't ask, don't tell’ policy.” Democracy Now! (12.07.04)

The US military is keeping soldiers who have served their time and fulfilled their obligations in the Iraq war against their will. At the same time, soldiers who want to serve are being kicked out of the military because they are gay. It's quite absurd (i.e. friggin' retarded). Meanwhile, the US is sending 12,000 additional troops to Iraq, including retired soldiers who served in Vietnam in the 60's. WTF?

BTW, the Pentagon recently issued official tallies for this fantastic freedom quest: 1,275 fatalities and 9,765 wounded US soldiers so far since the invasion of Iraq. Yeah; I won't even go into the number of dead Iraqi civilians.

When asked by troops currently serving in Iraq about the wonderful “stop-loss” policy, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld explained very clearly that “It's basically a sound principle, it's nothing new, it's been well understood.”

[blink, blink] Gee, Mr. Rumsfeld…uhh…ok, thanks! We'll get back to getting blown up now.

It makes you wonder what they're gonna do when soldiers start deserting and/or continue to die and they've run out of senior citizens to call back to duty. Hmmm…


Jen said...

I read where they're fitting injured soldiers with prosthetic arms and legs and sending them back to Iraq. We've also encountered our first wave of homeless soliders who served in Iraq. This war will have repercussions long after Dumbya is back at his ranch getting his montly check from the Caryle Group.

Jeff said...

Ugh. It's disgusting. I wonder if flag-waving middle America would be so proud of their country if they knew the full extent of how poorly our troops are being treated.