
Galaxy Friends

Last night was really great. First off, big ups to everyone who came out and anyone who told me they liked this song or that or asked what I was playing. That shit is like DJ crack. Seriously. So many nice moments, from the guy who freaked when I played the Seeds to the kind words and encouragement from friends. Extra special thanks to Tim, Andy, and Randy for lending me gear, to Shannon for co-piloting and watching me panic, and to Lary for hooking me up with a nice bit of cash. Big big thanks, everybody. You made my night.

So I only fucked up a few times. I had issues with the iPod, unfortunately. It's not so much the iPod's fault as it was the Hut's shitty mixer. I worked it out, though, and it wasn't too big a deal. It's weird—I was so worried I didn't bring enough stuff and there ended up being all this crap I didn't get to play. This guy, Joi, who was pretty drunk kept coming up and requesting shit I didn't have. He was asking for good stuff but I just couldn't help him out. He did recognize the McCarthy song I played and told me that, in his country (the Philippines), it's “their song” or something. Hah. Oh and someone wanted to hear the Misfits and I couldn't do it. Where's Travis when you need him?

It's a little sad to think that last night was probably my last time DJing at Galaxy Hut. It's always been a positive experience and will certainly be something I miss.

Before I forget—did anyone happen to take any photos? Please let me know if you have any good ones.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, one of the best selections of music I've ever heard at Humpnite. And you don't know the meaning of fucking up while DJ'ing (if Wed is any indication). Try drinking about 10 ciders by midnight and then attempting to spin. I'm still finding cd's in wrong cases since last time I did that.

Shit, I meant to take photos, then slacked. Sorry.

Jeff said...

haha. i usually try to stay somewhat sober when I DJ, though a few drinks is good to calm the nerves.

thanks for the compliment, buddy. means a lot.

Anonymous said...

why is it probably your last time DJing there?