We caught most of Boom Bip's set before Mice Parade went on, and it was much better than I expected. They had a full band and were way more rock than I would've guessed—drums, kb/laptop, guitars, bass. It's weird; that first album is like indie ambient hip hop, and this new one...do I have a fake or something? Honestly, I haven't listened to Blue Eyed in the Red Room a whole lot because it didn't really grab me a first, but their kraut-inspired set last night didn't sound much like the album at all; I actually found it way more engaging and interesting. We didn't stay for Headphones, but I'm guessing we didn't miss much.
So, I'm DJing tonight at good old Galaxy Hut. I'm sure you noticed the flyer in my previous post (which seemed to go over like a lead balloon, but whatever). I've decided not to bring my turntable. It's too much trouble for only playing a few bits of vinyl. It looks like it's gonna be all-digital: CD decks and my trusty iPod. My set will range from the wonderful to the fantastic. That's the good news. The bad news is that I'll be playing everything backwards. Sorry, technical difficulties.
Oh well, click through to view his self-produced pilot for MTV's Cribs. It's pretty funny, for just some guy showing you around his house.
1. Fuck Chunklet. I sorta get it, but mainly that mag just seems mean-spirited.
2. Yeah, Mice Parade! I'm glad I went. I've always liked them ok, but the live dimension really adds an extra component. I sorta expected more electronix tho.
3. That flyer is great, no kidding.
4. Finally, a Humpnite worth attending!
5. Hey Joe, where you going with that bong in your hand? I think Pernice is waaayyy UNDERRATED!
Yeah, it's best not to take Chunklet too seriously. I think the main joke is that they hate everything (or at least that everything indie is a target).
Thanks for going to the show and the help/compliments on the flyer.
Yeah, I'm sorta surprised Pernice Bros isn't at least a little more popular. They're great. Best thing my ex-gf ever did for me.
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