
Wild Parrots

I was going to post about something today, but I can't remember what I had in mind. I'm sure it was neither very interesting nor important, so no worries.

Marc clued me into this film showing at E St. right now called The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. I watched the trailer and it looks pretty cool. Plus, it's set in SF, which is rather timely in light of my recent post. Besides, I'm always up for an interesting doc and it's been a while since I went out to a movie. Think I'll see it tomorrow—by hook or by crook.

Yessiree, work is almost over for the week. In about 15 minutes I'll be in one of my favorite states of mind—that after-work-on-Friday feeling I get during my way home on the train each week. It's gorgeous.


LadyLitBlitzin said...

I miss that Friday glow! When I was younger, Friday at the toll of 5 meant a renewed surge of energy and time to go out and PARTY! These days, Fridays mean me thinking, "oh hell, I'm dying" and going home to watch a movie or something. Ah, something to look forward to...the mid-30s energy crapout. ;)

Jeff said...

I think I'm already there, LLB. Most Fridays, I stay home and watch a movie or one of my shows, if there's anything on. I usually tired enough at the end of the week that I don't feel like going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

i have heard great things about that parrot film... and yes, i should see it as well since it's set in san fran... i'm heading out there in april to see if it's really the place for me.

damn, i wish today was friday.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I did like the parrot movie, even the "surprise ending" was really a nice touch. I used to have a Sun Conure, a lot like the Cherry Heads, except smaller and more orange and green. He would dance to music, and his favorite was the french version of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" by Jaques Brell ("Le Lion le mort ce soir", which looks to say that the lion is "dead", but oh well).

Jeff said...

Giulia: You should see it. I thought it was pretty neat, if a little cutsie at times.

Tim: I didn't know you had pet birds. Was that during your Anna days?