Crispin Glover's over-the-top performance as Layne is just amazing. He has so many awesome lines, I can't even begin to pick one out. Besides, you won't appreciate them without context and Glover's delivery. It sort of reminds me of Jack Nicholson in The Shining. While they're two very different characters, each of them have this awesome overblown delivery. Speaking of freakshows, Dennis Hopper as Feck is pretty good, too, with his sex doll girlfriend and his prosthetic leg. He has a few great/awful lines himself (e.g. “I used get so much pussy, my mustache looked like a glazed donut.”).
So now I'm obsessed with seeing Crispin Glover movies. At the top of my list is 2003's Willard, a remake where he plays some guy into rats. Then there are these: Dead Man, Bartleby, Racing With The Moon (from 1984, w/Sean Penn and Nicholas Cage), and High School USA—a TV movie from 1983 starring Michael J. Fox and Todd Bridges.
Sadly, there a few very interesting Crispin-related titles which are not available. Does anyone know where I can find a bootleg of either of these:
The Orkly Kid
The Beaver Trilogy
Don't know about those two movies, but have you seen Rubin & Ed? That was probably the most whacked out Crispin Glover movie I've ever seen.
The movie "Permanent Record" (I've never been able to find this on DVD) is a lot like River's Edge, except it's about suicide. And it has a cool soundtrack. Keanu Reeves is in this one as well. It's the only time, other than "Parenthood," that he's actually acted.
Oh yeah. I haven't seen that. That's one that I was trying to track down but haven't had much luck with. Any ideas on where I can find it? Eh...looks like it's not out on DVD.
Hm. Never seen Permanent Record. Maybe I'll check that out once I've had my Crispin fix. Thanks for the recommendations.
I'm personally really excited about this one:
Ah yes. I've heard about that one. I hope it shows around here sometime.
Man, we gotta rent RUBIN & ED...
My favorite line, and this is a paraphrase: "All you do is fuck my mother and eat all the food. Motherfucker! Food eater!"
Heh. It is an intense movie. I watched it again recently for the first time in what, 15 or 20 years since it's come out? It reminds me of my youth.
Haha. "Food eater." Yeah, that's a good one.
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