

IMG_2600I posted some pictures from my trip to Chicago. No titles, captions or anything yet, but click through to get there.

The trip was pretty good. Chicago is awesome, of course, and blows DC out of the water on so many counts, it's almost funny. [Which then becomes the exact opposite of funny when I think about where I live.] Neighborhood bars, cool little 24 hr restaurants, multiple indie record stores, and an amazing roster of upcoming shows, are just a few of the things that Chicago (or pretty much any city worth a damn) has but which DC fails to provide. It's things like these that make a city feel like a city. Like a visit to NYC, being there really highlighted what I'm missing by living in a second rate town.

I had fun, though. We went record shopping, ate great food, and saw a large amount of the city. Leigh and Paul were great hosts. On the less than amazing side, Slint on Friday were a bit underwhelming and the weather could have been a bit better. It was either cloudy or raining and cold nearly the whole time, so we didn't get to walk around as much as I'd have liked. And I didn't get to take many photos as a result.

I'll have to go back for another visit when the weather is nice. The lake looked amazing as I was flying in, and I bet it would be cool to ride bikes around town. I don't think we have another addition to my short list of permanent destinations, though. As cool as Chicago was to visit, I still can't picture myself living in the Midwest. And despite Leigh's insistence that Seattle is just as cold as Chicago (huh?), I don't think I could take the Chicago winters.


Jen said...

Sounds like fun! I'm all about the indie record stores. I hate going on vacation and the weather's crappy, though.

Jeff said...

Yeah, it was overall a lot of fun. The weather was definitely not very cool, but what can you do.

Chicago's selection of record stores puts DC to shame big time. Not hard to do, tho.