
A Few New

I got some stuff from Insound this week. Nothing too exciting, since I already have most of this stuff on MP3. But I guess that's the downfall of filesharing, no?

Hood: Outside Closer (Domino)
Hood's latest album (their 7th) is a good'un. It sort of sounds like a missing link between the dubby instrumentals of The Cycle of Days and Seasons and the heavily electronic Cold House. That's fine with me, because I think they got a little carried away with the glitchy beats on that last one.

Hood: The Lost You (Domino)
The folks at Insound treated me with a free promo punch-out of the latest album's preceding EP. What a nice surprise! The excellent title track, also on the full-length, sounds like a Prefuse remix. [To which I say, A-OK!] This disc also includes a video for that song. Haven't checked it out yet, but I bet it's neat.

Iron & Wine: Woman King EP (Sub Pop)
The latest release from good ol' Sam Beam. No big surprises here, really. I've decided that I enjoy the lovey, pretty stuff he does—like “Jezebel” here—rather than the rusty/ramble of the title track. Just goes with my flow, I guess.

Turing Machine: Zwei (French Kiss)
Did you know? Math rock is not dead! Ok, so this is more rocky than mathy, but don't think they don't bring the MATH. Former members of DC's Pitchblende here. And a guy who was in that band (but not in this one) used to work for the company I work for. That's some x-degrees of separation shit, innit.

White Magic/American Analog Set: Songs of Hurt and Healing (Ouch)
Here's another freebie courtesy of Insound. Yeah, it's the same disc they were giving out with that last issue of Arthur. Three songs each. “Brought To You by Tylenol” Huh?

+ then Tim hit me with some sweet birthday presents. Thanks, pal!

Colin Meloy: Sings Morrissey (self-released)
Six covers of Mr. Celibate from the singer of The Decemberists, limited to 1000 copies. The cover of “Everyday Is Like Sunday” is pretty choice.

Prefuse 73: Surrounded By Silence (Warp)
Tim works at a record store and scored this promo for me. Cool, 'cause 128k is wack.

And just for fun:
Thanks, Sara.


LadyLitBlitzin said...

So, I like the fact that I have heard of none of these bands and musicians. Not that I'm cutting edge like I used to be, oh heavens no. But I'm sure this is good stuff... what genres is the stuff you've listed? I'd love to get to know some new stuff...

Jeff said...

Hmm. I'm not too good with genre names and stuff. A lot of the crap I listen to fits under the generic "indie" umbrella. Indie rock, indie hip hop, indie-sposable. :)

Your question would best be answered with a mix CD or something. Let me know if yr interested; I'd be glad to make ya one.

Jeff said...

Damn ME? You live in SF and are seeing Hood next week!! :)

This will be the 2nd time they skip DC (or anywhere nearby). It's BS!