

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (February 27). You believe in yourself this year, and others believe in you, too. In fact, you are being groomed for advancement over the next 10 weeks. Relocation is an option, but take it slowly, and investigate carefully before making a move. In May, your confidence attracts passion. Big money follows an educated risk in July. Love signs are Taurus and Cancer. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 51, 24, 27 and 45.

It's true: I'm no longer being thought of as a fictitious character. [And it feels great!] Also, these next 10 weeks of grooming should be interesting. I love a good delousing. Confidence? Passion? Big money? Sounds great, liar.

Really, it couldn't be less of an event. The even years (with the exception of 18 and the years that mark each decade) always seem less significant. The odd years just feel older. Plus, I think I'm finally ok with the fact that one year older no longer means much more than just that. All these years I seem to have been hoping for a Pink Panther cake with licorice whiskers and a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. Of course, this hasn't happened since I was seven. I think I've finally accepted that it was a one-time deal.

Here's to another year of possibilities. I'm confident I'll attract passion, earn big money and advance to a carefully investigated relocation of ideals. Believe it.


Jen said...

Happy birthday, Jeff! Didja get all kinds of cool stuff?

It's funny, when I was 27 and 28, I could never remember how old I was--I would actually have to mentally subtract my year of birth from the current year when someone asked. Of course, I'm much healthier now at 32 than I was at 28, so the age thing is relative.

We had a Chucky Cheese ripoff in our neck of the woods called River Towne. I never understood the theme (some hounddog and his dixie-band friends), and I guess other kids didn't either, since it's not around anymore.

Jeff said...

Thanks, Jen! I didn't really get anything, but I haven't celebrated with my family yet. We're going out for either lunch or dinner next weekend. Oh, I did get a DVD as an early present from my dad. Curb Your Enthusiam Season 3. Have you ever seen that?

Anonymous said...

GODDAMMIT, JEFF. I didn't know it was your birthday...


LadyLitBlitzin said...

Happy birthday, I hope you get something cool like a ticket to Coachella. :)

Seriously, happy birthday. I would agree with you that the evens feel a little less rocky -- except for the BIG ones. I'm worried because 35 comes for me in April, and that kind of nauseates me. Then the next truly frightening one will be 40. Dunno, maybe 39 will actually be worse, come to think of it.

I agree with Jen -- 27, 28 or so got kind of blurry for me as well.

Jeff said...

Tim: Don't worry about it, brother. If anything, it's my fault for not reminding anyone.

LLB: Thank you! Oh, a ticket to Coachella would be amazing.

It's weird; the closer I get to 30, the less it seems like a big deal. I know plenty of folks in their 30s who are still just as immature as I am. Maybe that way of thinking is just a defense mechanism. Of course, I won't really know how it feels 'til I get there, will I?

LadyLitBlitzin said...

Oh yeah, that's definitely true. You get to the 30 year mark and you realize that you don't know any more than you did, you feel just as young and immature as ever, etc. It's funny. However I will say, in some ways it's a better place to be. A lot less angsty than the 20s.

Then again, once I pass the 35 mark I might start to feel angsty again.

I'm glad you're not having that pre-30 worry though. One of my ex boyfriends really freaked out for the entire year he was 29 -- frankly, I think he's lucky he survived. I swear it was anxiety and once he made it to 30 he mellowed out completely. ;)

Jeff said...

If mellowing out entails being more at ease with myself or more comfortable, I'm all for it!

I think I'm nearly angsted-out.