
White Rain

It's beautiful outside, what with the branches covered with snow and all. It's almost worth the disappointment I felt when I found myself going to work this morning. At one point last night they were calling for as much as ten inches and saying it was nearly a sure thing. Needless to say, it didn't happen and I woke up to nothing. I stayed in bed until the last possible minute before getting up and trudging off to the Metro.

I can hear it melting now. And still the sky is spitting snow.

Listen to Clearlake: “Wonder If the Snow Will Settle”

1 comment:

LadyLitBlitzin said...

Yeah, the weather is ridiculous. The weather people have been nothing but wrong this winter. However, I like your description, another friend of mine described it pretty much the same way -- as rain that looked pretty coming down. ;)

However last night when I was driving home from work I was "lucky" enough to drive in the only accumulation it seems that there was. I swear it melted like an hour after I got home! Like it was there just for me. ;)