
St. Valentine Was a Saint

St. Valentine was beaten and beheaded. That's interesting. I wonder if it was for making out with his girlfriend in front of everyone else on the train on his way to work. [I know, I know...he was a priest. So what does he know about love? Maybe it was an altar boy; who knows.] In addition to being the patron saint of love (and greeting card manufacturers!), he is also a patron saint of bee keepers. Bee keepers? Yes, bee keepers. He is also one of seventeen patron saints of epilpsy. Apparently, those poor folks need all the help they can get.

Oh yeah: I promised myself I wouldn't be bitter this Valentine's Day. So how am I doing?

You know, it's a phony holiday and it doesn't really matter, but I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't be nice to have someone to share it with. The same could be said about any day of the year, I suppose. This weekend, for example, I'll be in the mountains of western Maryland with some of my family. I'm looking forward to it and it should be lots of fun. But, I can't help but think it would be at least slightly better if I had someone to make out with.


LadyLitBlitzin said...

It consistently makes me angry (at myself) that I think it's such a dumb holiday and yet I still do get bent out of shape about it. I never like it even when I do have a boyfriend but find it particularly odious when I don't, of course. Ah well, yes, personal problems. ;)

One year I went out with some girlfriends of mine and wanted to yell, "codependent!" to the couples walking down the street. I am sooo nice.

Jeff said...

Thanks for the comment, LLB.