
Feels Like

It was so cold last night on the way to the Rock-n-Shop thing at the Black Cat, I am now almost certain I will move to the West Coast and into the arms of its more temperate climes. I may have to endure yet another swampy DC summer, but I hope to hell I'm out of here before next Winter. For one thing, snowfall, which I consider one of the few significant pays offs of Winter——in addition to the holidays and the clothes——ranges from negligible to non-existent here. I guess I would miss the possibility of snow, but it's a small price to pay for keeping my appendages intact. I like having fingers and toes, for instance, and while I might make due without them, I also favor keeping my testicles.

And what good is Winter without someone to snuggle with, anyway? Not. Very. Good.

I've finished my xmas shopping early for once. Thank you, Internet. Wally's presents arrived today: a laser pointer and a CatDancer™™. A can of tuna to split with Pretty Girl is yet to come. My family members are getting books/DVD's/video games/gift cards. A few friends will receive secret homemade gifts. Since no one reads this, I am at liberty to reveal that they may or may not be hand-crafted mix CD's.

Three more days of werk to go before I am on a five-day vacation. Aside from Christmas day crap and a visit to my grandmother's the day after, my plans include relaxing with Wally, catching up on my reading, brooding in a darkened corner of the house, playing my new video game, working on the music section, suddenly becoming interesting, “laughing and scratching,” developing new personal traditions, weeping openly, and feeling good about life when all is said and done.


LadyLitBlitzin said...

I've lived in DC all my life and kind of like it here (it doesn't hurt that most of my friends live here) but always thought that I might like to move to San Francisco. The weather is perfect there, imho. (Although I've heard that the lack of seasonal changes gets old.)

However, yeah, DC is definitely a climate of extremes, despite the infrequency of snow. It's hot as hell and humid or it's frigidly cold. I never feel like we get enough spring or fall (though this year, the weather's just been plain weird).

Hand-mixed CDs are a great gift. I have a friend who always provides that as a present and it's a great idea.

Jeff said...

I'd love to go back to SF, if only to visit. It's such a cool city. It's too bad that it's so damn expensive. When we first moved out there (Marin County, not SF), it was sunny and nice everyday for over a month straight. It was very weird for me as an East Coast boy. I got used to it eventually, of course. I can still remember how it felt to leave SF in the middle of summer wearing a sweatshirt and arrive at BWI to the swampy East Coast. Stepping through the gates at the terminal, I swear it felt like I was swimming.

The seasons here suck terribly. Nothing but extremes. I lived in the Northeast when I was younger, and the Autumn here just can't compare.