
Five Fun Newsies

“A new Washington Post-ABC News poll found solid majorities believe that the Iraq war is being handled poorly and that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld should lose his job.” [W. Post, 2]

It's funny 'cause it's true, right? Um, how many mistakes must this guy make before he loses his job? Let's quit licking on this and bite right the fuck in.

Woman charged over 'womb theft' [BBC News]

Hey psycho, not satisfied with the two fat ass kids you already have? There's this thing we have where you can sign up for taking care of and/or owning a kid no one wants. Oh right—you're a psycho. Well, I guess the thing to do is pretend to be pregnant, then kill someone who really is pregnant and cut her baby out of the womb and bring it on home.

“To the Indian schoolboy, it must have seemed like an ingenious if indelicate use of new technology. But when the 17-year-old used his mobile phone camera to record his girlfriend giving him oral sex he could have had little idea of the far-reaching global consequences.” [Guardian]

I take it the Kamasutra hasn't yet been updated for the Information Age, eh? Wink, wink.

Mobile phones 'alter human DNA' [BBC News]

I knew it. My brilliant hypothesis: Changes in DNA will eventually lead to the birth of humans entirely incapable of real life, face-to-face interpersonal communication and, as an added bonus, promote the growth of cute little nub antennas located somewhere near their ears.

'Art of Modern Rock' Details Poster Revival [NPR via largehearted boy]

I almost bought this book last time I was at Atomic, but I was already getting a little too greedy, so I put it back. The thing is HUGE. It will rock my coffee table.

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