
photos, photos, photos...

so i've been resizing photos and listening to records all night (i.e. dungen, decemberists, and slowdive—in that order). and chatting with leigh for a bit. oh, and i smoked a few cigarettes...took a leak here and there (nine times out of ten it was in the toilet, i promise), but mostly it was these fuckin' p h o t o s.

that's right, guys: the first section of photos is up, as you will see if you click the 'photos' link at the top there. yes, it now does something. take a look and i hope you like 'em—there are plenty more to come.

only one more day to go before my thanksgiving vacation. i'm really looking forward to not being at work. these three-day work weeks should be fucking standard, dude. seriously. i'm also excited to see a few folks who are visiting for the holiday. i hope to break this spell of social isolation i've been under, for one thing.

screw. another late night. you see what goes into building a rinky-dink website right before your eyes? ah, i do it because i love me.


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