
flying, fading, and fleeting

last night, 4AM: i was standing outside smoking one last cigarette before going to bed when i heard them coming. what first sounded like a group of likeminded drunks, hooting and yelping on their way home from a successful night of pounding beers and breathing down girls' shirts, turned out to be a flock of geese flying south for the winter. there were still clouds overhead from the rain earlier in the night which were just then breaking up and moving northeasterly in the wind. the squawking grew louder and i looked into the clouds hoping the birds would come into view. they soon passed overhead in that familiar inverted V shape. it was amazing and beautiful to watch and made me very happy. i stood on the steps for a short time after they had disappeared, but the warm feeling slowly faded with the sound of the geese carrying on to the south.

i think i need to watch this again.

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