
Here I Am

I'm in Seattle now, living with Wally (my cat) in a 1 BR apartment in Capitol Hill (which is sort of like a less yuppie Dupont Circle, for all you folks back in DC). It's not too bad--I've been getting along just fine, though reality has set in and I am definitely not on vacation. The weather is weird. It feels like Fall already here.

Moving across country has proven to be a pain in the ass, but what did I expect? My Charlie Brown luck was not left behind. But, despite trouble getting back online and issues with my new bank and a few broken dishes, I am settling in pretty ok. I have a bed and a couch and new set of speakers for my stereo. No TV/DVD yet; that will have to wait until after I've secured employment. I made one trip too many to Ikea and dropped a hefty chunk of change at Target for household supplies. Feh.

I've begun to send out my resume, to temp agencies and to a few local companies. Wish me luck. I need to start working again very soon.

I'd planned to write a bit more, about the moving process and my adventures so far, but I'm not feeling up to it. But if you want to check out some photos of my new place, you can do so here.

Last, but surely not least, I just want to say thanks to everyone back in DC (especially my old housemates) for the going away party. It meant a lot. Thanks also to The Antiques for a playing a great little set in my (old) dining room. It was awesome. And many many thanks to Sara for all the help in transitioning to the next phase. You rock.


Jen said...

Your place looks very cute. Need to get those walls decorated! Are you a band poster person or tactful art person?

The hardest things for me re. transition would be finding all the little places that made my life complete at my old locale, such as certain restaurants, coffee shops, favorite gas station, used bookstores. I hope you've already found some of those you like.

Good luck with the job hunt.

Jeff said...

Thanks, Jen. I'm slowly decorating the place. I need to get some stuff framed, though (which I can't yet afford to do). I'm trying to switch from band posters to framed art, actually. I suppose a little bit of both won't hurt, will it?

I've found a few favorites so far, between my previous visits and living here a few weeks.

Man, work can't come fast enough. Thanks for the luck!

Jen said...

Hey, I watched that documentary "Hype" tonight about the grunge scene and couldn't stop thinking about you! Seattle looks so beautiful. I can't believe I've never been. At least I know someone out there now who can go to a good show with me.

How's the job front?