
Packing by Moonlight

Three boxes of books, four boxes of CDs, a few crates of vinyl, and about 30 lbs of DVDs. Approximately 80% of what I own is media. Personal entertainment. Shit to listen to, shit to read and watch. Music magazines. Damn—how many back issues of Tape Op does a guy really need? Or what about the ten yellowed issues of Arthur Magazine? Sure, there's my computer and some music equipment, and of course there are my clothes, but I have so much crap.

I have been selling stuff, too. (Which is a bit unsettling when some of it, like my dumb Ikea furniture, is being sold right from under my ass.) Where's my stuff? Yeah, it's crappy Ikea things and dusty synthesizers I've barely touched in months, but still. Very weird. I'm paring down now. It's more cost effective this way, I suppose.

Oh well, it'll be nice to start over. Maybe I'll get some real furniture this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since when is IKEA crappy dude? :)

I too often think to myself, why the hell is my closet full of old Tape Ops and Maxims?

-- John M