
Hello Shirt

Just a quick update, before a pre-Seattle post in the near future. I added a few links to the sidebar over there. It was getting a little weak. I also updated my vital stats (i.e. what I'm listening to). I still have to do something with the music page and redo my photos (post-Flickr). Ay.

I shall now direct your attention to the first link on my list. Thas right—I've jumped on the del.icio.us bandwagon. I have just a small collection of links so far, but go ahead and check 'er out.

One neat thing I added today is this flickr photo album site. You enter a flickr username and a tag (descriptive words flickr uses for searching photos) and it generates a virtual book with turnable pages and everything. Each photo is clickable, of course, and takes you to the flickr photo page. Pretty nifty.

You could, for example, leaf through an album of photos of my friends, or take a look at my buddy Tim's Harper's Ferry photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that photo album thing is really cool. good show.