

Had the original plan for my trip to Seattle worked out, I'd be on my way there right about now. And I would have been looking forward to this tomorrow night. Curses.

Now here's some other random crap...

Excerpts from a speech given by one of my current favorite truth-tellers, Seymour Hersh (the Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker reporter who broke the Abu Ghraib story), were featured on Democracy Now yesterday. He speaks on the current state of the war in Iraq (remember that thing?), and the bullshit smokescreen and outright lies being propagated by the Bush administration, the military, and the right-wing media. Also featured is an interview with Mr. Hersh by DN's Amy Goodman. If you missed it, you can stream or download the entire show here. [Go ahead, they use RJD2 for their bumper music and shit.]

Due to the sorry state of my warm-weather wardrobe, I ordered a stack of stuff from American Apparel recently. They make high quality cotton t-shirts and casual wear, made in the USA and “sweatshop free.” You'll certainly pay for it, but it's good stuff and well worth the satisfaction of knowing that the people making your clothes are earning a decent wage and not inhaling cotton fibers or something all day. Anyway, I got my stuff yesterday and found that one of the shirts I ordered was slightly defective (either that, or I'm just way too symmetrical). So I emailed them today and asked about returning the shirt for an exchange, and they responded by saying they'd just send me another free of charge. Well, hot damn—that's some fine customer service. Such a rarity these days. So yeah...I recommend them. SIDE NOTE: I received some bonus gift with my order. I think it's some kind of girl's top. It's basically like a rectangular piece of cotton with a slit half-way down the middle. I'm not sure how you're supposed to wear it, but if any of you ladies wants it, it's yours.

Have I mentioned how good this new Mice Parade album is? [I did mention it briefly here.] It came out last week (though I thought it already had for some reason), and I got a sweet hook-up on a discount copy from a friend. I was really into that last one, but this record has proved even better, all the way down to the artwork. Ace. Looks like they're on tour, and playing the Black Cat next Tuesday (May 17th). Yesh.

I had something else for you, but I think it was on the whiny/bitchy side, so I'll save that for some other post when I have more to whine and/or bitch about. Until then...


Anonymous said...

are you going to mice parade?

Jeff said...

yes. please to go with me. it would be...my fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Ah damn damn damn damn damn! I didn't hear about that concert till now! it's too bad you didn't make it to Seattle but when you do look me up. I just moved here 12 days ago!

-joey / mixedtape

Jeff said...

joey: congrats on your move to seattle. i'll be there the 3rd week in june. will definitely look you up.

Anonymous said...

dude, some of the gals in the american apparel ads are deee-lish. a man could almost finish to some of that shiz.

--john m.

Jeff said...

i'm with you there, buddy.