
Old House

All the doorknobs in my house are broken. They are purely for decorative purposes. The front door doesn't even have a knob or anything—just a deadbolt. It's funny to watch people try to open it. My bedroom door has an old shirt attached to it to keep it closed and my closet door doesn't shut properly at all. I guess the door frames are bit warped.

I've been sick with the flu for the past few days. I tried going to work yesterday instead of calling in since my bosses are out of town and we're short staffed. I only made it through about half the day before I threw up in my trashcan. I'm feeling much better now, thank you. Whatever it was, I mostly sweated it out this morning. Tim was kind enough to bring me some stuff (apple juice, cheerios) and offer me some drugs. Thanks, pal.

I'm just glad this didn't happen a few days later. Hopefully, I'll be completely back to normal when I leave for Chicago on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Next, I think we should go ahead and just nail up plywood over all the windows.

I'm pretty happy with the doorknob I put on my door. It was like $8 or something. Just make Randy do it.

Jeff said...

Handy Randy has yet to make good on all his Mr. Fixit talk. Am I inconsiderate in expecting him to just fix everything that bothers me about this house? No way, right?

LadyLitBlitzin said...

Man, I am so sorry about the flu and I hope you feel better. I would so hate to be out somewhere (especially work) and get sick like that. I had the projectile vomiting virus last winter -- not once but TWICE -- and I hope to God I don't get that ever again, in my LIFE. So serious.

One of my old boyfriends lived in a doorknob challenged house with a bunch of housemates -- we were all college friends, so I knew everybody there. Well my bf and I were watching TV in his room one night and I went to go out -- probably go to the bathroom or something -- and the doorknob came out in my hand. You can't imagine the shock of seeing a doorknob in your hand and realize you're stuck in a room. So I got out my cell phone and called my other friend who lived in the room next door to ask him to come and open the door from the outside. His response? "You're locked in there? Heh heh!" And hung up. He was on the phone already and took his sweet time coming to open the door.

Just thought I'd share.