

I assume you've heard of Warchalking and Wardriving. Well, check it out:

WarTuning [via LifeHacker]

Friggin' brilliant. Drive (or walk) around with your wireless-enabled laptop and download music from iTunes libraries everywhere. All it takes is some specialized software (plus the aforementioned laptop, open Wi-Fi, a shared iTunes library, and lots of HD space). OurTunes is a java-based app for Mac and Windows. Looks a little clunky to install for PC people, so I'd go with myTunes if you're on Windows.

No laptop here, sadly, so someone try it out and let me know.


Anonymous said...

Haha, I thought that was called "Rorschaching", named after the Rorschach test--you know, ink blots, and pronounced "ror-shock". I heard that in NYC and other places, people would make chalkmarks on the sidewalk outside of a place they had found to have an available wireless network. Since the chalkmarks were obtuse to those not in the know, they were said to look like inkblots; hence, Rorschaching. Anyway, here's some interesting info on the test: http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/rorschach.htm. I never knew, for example that there are only 10 cards and that they are top secret--examples in books and such are not the real deal.


Jeff said...

Oh! I always thought they were talking about Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter.

This is the blot that supposedly can determine sexual preference. Most people see the two human figures. Both figures have prominent "breasts" and an equally prominent "penis." If you don't volunteer the gender of the figures, you'll be asked to specify it. By the traditional interpretation, seeing the figures as male is a heterosexual response (for test subjects of both sexes). Describing the figures as female or acknowledging the androgynous nature of the blot is supposed to be a homosexual response. Does it work? Not really--many straights describe the figures as women, and not all gays give a gay response. A 1971 study at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York showed the traditionally heterosexual response (two male figures) to be declining in popularity.What horse shit. I studied psychology and even I don't believe in that crap.

PS: To me, they look like twin alcoholic fathers beating their kids. But whatever!