
Who Needs the Onion Anymore?

Zell Miller, my favorite crotchety nut job and the guy most likely to challenge you to a duel, has been hired by Fox News Channel as a commentator. [Washington Post] Well, it's about time I had someone new to laugh at on that fairest, most fakely balanced of cable news channels. This guy is great; I can't wait for when the bolts of purple lightning shoot out of his fingertips. Anyway, I'm pretty sure all the non-thinking Fox News viewers will love him.

There are already a number of Fox News talking heads that practically make it necessary to wrestle my hatred to the ground: Bill O'Reilly (who likes to play devil's advocate and appear unbiased), Ann Coulter (don't get me started on this smug, lying bitch), Sean Hannity (ex-fratboy chucklehead)...and I imagine many more if I could stand to watch that media cesspool more than ten minutes at a time.

I've been noticing this steely-eyed former centerfold lately during the good ol' O'Reilly Factor. Do you remember that mid-80's TV show, “V,” about the alien lizard people? No? Well, Netflix the DVDs or something because they are apparently walking among us and delivering the headlines to conservative monkeys across the country.

Go here to find your favorite talking head.


Jen said...

Ugh, don't get me started on Fox. I'm in a battle with some scrawny chickenhawk that works at my gym who insists on keeping the channels turned to Fox. I keep wanting to leave a recruitment brochure at the front desk for him when I go there. Actually, that's a plan of mine: to get a stack of recruitment brochures from the local office and stick them on the windshields of the vehicles that sport Bush/Cheney stickers.

Jeff said...

You should definitely do it. And take pictures, too.

LadyLitBlitzin said...

Haha, V! I'm entertained at the thought.