
Doesn't Matter

Regular readers of this blog should know by now that my view of humanity is somewhat dim. Tonight certainly did nothing to help this. I won't go into details because there's really no point. You see, our darkest days are yet to come. I'm bracing myself.

And on the up side, I finally got it: Video of the man I've previously mentioned running around the streets near my office. Yes, my white whale——an eccentric black man in spandex——was briefly caught in the sights of my digicam as I leaned out of the window of the fourth story at 11th and H. One mission accomplished——many more to be realized.

watch the video (6MB AVI)


Jen said...

I tried to watch the video, but it wouldn't allow me access. Hmm. There was an interesting video moment today--I was driving along the road and some crazy or drunk (or both) indigent-looking man was rolling around on the sidewalk, almost as if he were play-acting--really slow-motion movements, hitting the ground softly and then rolling up to a standing position again. Or maybe he was battling a demon on ether, I don't know. And then he was motionless on the concrete at 20 degrees farenheit. Nobody stopped.

Jeff said...

Nobody ever stops. I probably wouldn't have, either. Just out of curiosity, what do you see when you click the video link? Does it tell you anything? It's not a crime if no one can see it, I suppose; it really isn't that good.

Jen said...

It says:


Sorry, pal. No browsing through my stuff.

Jen said...

And I thought we were friends.

Jeff said...

Huh. It shouldn't do that. That message should only come up if you go to, say, http://glueslabs.org/video/. It's to prevent ppl from browing through my directories. But you're just clicking the link? Hmmmm.

Yes, we are friends (in an anonymous sort of way)!